
Showing posts from March, 2021

Production blog: Start to Filming

 Today is the day I start filming. I'm writing this before because I have a full day ahead. I plan to start in the outside locations as there will still be sunlight. If I do it as the sun is going down, it will create darker lighting. This could be good as it adheres to common traits of horror films. Darker lighting creates more of an ominous mood. This is just one idea. It's important to me to keep some of the common elements. This is why the villain will be easy to spot. I also have thought more about the music I wish to add. I don't want to go through the trouble of asking for permission as most released songs are copyrighted. For this reason, I plan to use a free soundtrack. This soundtrack will have an ominous, yet fast-paced sound. Almost as if it will represent adrenaline rushing through the body. My actor will be a teenage girl. She will represent vulnerability. The kidnapper will represent predatory behavior. This is my base plan. My next production blog will detai

Production Blog: Spring Break Recap

  I still have not started filming. I wanted to take time and enjoy my break. I do plan to start soon, however. At this point, everything is put together. All that’s left is to actually shoot the scenes. I feel as if all the planning has set me back. I only say this because i am the type to not plan and just use what works as I go. I think having too much time to plan has made me overthink. It is nice to have a general concept though. Filming is the biggest obstacle. Besides that, costumes and props are ready. I didn’t want to overdo it. All the costumes are on a casual level. It’s also very hot outside so I wanted to make sure my actors are comfortable. This is why the clothing won’t be too crazy. The props are all pretty light as well. The goal is to maximize efficiency with the least amount of things. I will start filming next week. I know I’ve said that before, but I’m gonna keep trying!! The due date is approaching so I really don’t have any other choice. It will get done. 

Production Blog: Mis en Scene

 I have started collecting props. Today I picked up the rope that will be used in the captive scenes. I also grabbed some duct tape. Now my focus is to find a chair that I don't mind getting a bit dirty. I don't want to stick tape to a chair that's valuable in my home. I figure buying an inexpensive one will save me the trouble. I think I could probably find one at target. I also need a mask for the kidnapper. I want to put togeter a whole outfit that fits a villian role. All black is the color scheme. I am thinking gloves in addition to the mask. I want it to be clear the charecters role without any action. I uess this will be the impact of mis en scene. The girl being kidnapped will dress like a regular teenager. I want the story to be realistic, but still fitting the horror genre. Within the next week i expect to start filming. Its spring break so i will have a bit of time. Once i am through i can start editing. After thats its a home stretch. Final details will be addde

Production blog: A solution

 I have finally found actors. That's almost shocking news. As I have previously stated, that was the main problem. I have been able to pull 2 actors to be used in my film. This was my bare minimum number. I plan to start filming immediately. The quicker I can get all my footage the better. I want to begin the editing process. I am having some second thoughts on my titles. I still do want to incorporate bold lettering. I liked my idea of red lettering but as I was thinking it over, I don't feel like it's enough. I say this because I don't want it to blend in. I'm afraid the color red won't stand out when the full film is in color and the background may be just as bold. Maybe an added effect would spice it up. Perhaps instead of a fade, the letters could slide onto the screen. That's the bold entrance I am looking for. I feel as if a blood dripping effect is too cliche. I want to use something different, but still just as fitting with the genre. The only way I

Production blog: Still no start

 At this point, reading this blog may begin to sound like a broken record. I still have not begun filming. It is still due to the same problem. I have no actors. I have been in touch with some of my friends to resolve this issue. I may have made some headway. I really think this film idea will be most convenient. This is why I have waited so long before filming even though it's the same issue. Scheduling will always be my biggest issue. I know it will only take me 1 to 2 hours to film. I still can't manage to get a morning or afternoon where everyone is available. Between work and other classes, everyone seems to be on a time crunch. I know that's the case for me. Hopefully, by next week, I will have something different to report. For now, all I can do to continue is pre-plan. Maybe I can add new prop ideas to my plan. Perhaps a different location. That is all I have the means for at this moment. Until I can get actors, I'm pretty much stuck. Next week I will make sure

Production Blog

 I still have not started filming. It is due to the same reason as last time. I still have no actors. I am trying to figure out a backup plan. If anything I will just use my mom. If I cant find actors, I don't know what i will do. I will need to rewrite the entire film. I hope it does not come to that. I think at that point, ill have at least 2 actors. I have the process planned out.. This problem has allowed me to really firm down on the details. So, while yes there is a problem, it's also been a bit beneficial. At least there is that. Hopefully, I can start filming by the end of this week. I also have run into one other problem. I don't know which music to use. I want to avoid having to ask for permission. This is mainly because I don't wish to wait on a response. This is why I'm hoping to find a royalty-free song. All this time without actors gives me a chance to figure it out. 

Fiilming and Editing blog

  i have not yet started my filming. This is because i haven’t had the chance to get my actors together. That is the main problem. I also have had to work. I knew working around others schedules would be a problem. This is a big reason i wanted to work alone. Unfortunately, i cannot act as multiple  people in my own film. I still have not confirmed who is playing what. It is hard when all of my friends have jobs, as well as i do. Not everyone has the same days off. Along with school, there’s not much free time. I will figure out scheduling. This is a big reason why i’d like to get it done in one day. That eliminates any further need to interfere in my friends schedules. Once i get the one day to film set, this project will be a breeze. Editing won’t take me long. If i could just figure out a good day to film, i’d be on a fast track towards the end. At least i have the storyboard to minimize shooting time. I will try to stay to it as much as possible. I think it’s a good guideline for w

Planning blog: Storyboard

 This is my storyboard. These are the general concepts I wish to follow. If it does not go exactly like this that's okay, but this is the main idea. Attached are the images I put into the script. I think it would be easy to market. 

Planning blog: Titles

 For my movie, every title that needs to be included will be there. Every person excluding the actors will be me so for each title it will be something in relation to myself. Since this is a horror movie, the title design is important. My vision is bold words. Perhaps these words in a bright color. A color like red feels as if it would fit the scene nicely. I want the titles to stand out from the background. I think the words will be big. Really in your face, I want the words impossible to miss. Each title will fade into the scene. It will stay for about 3 seconds. It will then be wiped away as the outgoing transition. The director's name, as well as the actors, will be in a bigger font. It will look something like this  but in all capital letters. The tracking of the letters, as well as the spacing, will work out as the letters in all caps will leave enough space to not let the words run together. The title of my film will be Abduction: The Chase. The movie title will take up the

Planning blog: other info

 Filming schedule: I plan to get the filming done within a week. I will probably start next week by filming everything in the outside locations first. Then I will do the scenes inside my house. By that point, all I will have left to film is the car scenes.  Filming locations: This project will only utilize a few local locations in my neighborhood. I will be using my house as the place where the hostage is kept. I will use a sidewalk in my neighborhood for the outside scenes. A car, my friends or mine, will be used as the kidnapping scene occurs.  Participants: I will more than likely enlist the help of my friends as I did for the music video project.  I think three actors is enough. One will be the hostage. Two will be the kidnappers.  Covid safety: The majority of the locations being used to film will be private. This greatly reduces the risk of infection. Before any location change, proper sanitation will occur. Masks will be used at any time there is not direct filming taking place.

Planning blog: Script

 There will be about 7-10 scenes for my movie. They will go as follows.  scene one: Scene one will start out with a girl in a chair. Hands tied and screaming for help.  Scene two: Scene two will be a flashback to right before everything happened. The girl will be casually walking down the street.  Scene three: The girl will notice a car behind her driving very slow, then start to sprint as the car speeds up and starts yelling.  Scene four: The girl will be tossed into the car, crying and begging for help. She will offer money etc. in exchange for freedom.  Scene five: The scene will open up at the warehouse, with the girl pleading for her escape. The kidnappers say no explaining the reason they took her.  Scene six: The girl works tirelessly to free herself, finally escaping and running out of captivity.  Scene seven: The kidnapper will run out after her screaming how she will get her back.  Scene eight: The girl will run into her home and lock all the doors. She will also close all th