Production Blog: Spring Break Recap

 I still have not started filming. I wanted to take time and enjoy my break. I do plan to start soon, however. At this point, everything is put together. All that’s left is to actually shoot the scenes. I feel as if all the planning has set me back. I only say this because i am the type to not plan and just use what works as I go. I think having too much time to plan has made me overthink. It is nice to have a general concept though. Filming is the biggest obstacle. Besides that, costumes and props are ready. I didn’t want to overdo it. All the costumes are on a casual level. It’s also very hot outside so I wanted to make sure my actors are comfortable. This is why the clothing won’t be too crazy. The props are all pretty light as well. The goal is to maximize efficiency with the least amount of things. I will start filming next week. I know I’ve said that before, but I’m gonna keep trying!! The due date is approaching so I really don’t have any other choice. It will get done. 


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