Planning blog: other info

 Filming schedule: I plan to get the filming done within a week. I will probably start next week by filming everything in the outside locations first. Then I will do the scenes inside my house. By that point, all I will have left to film is the car scenes. 

Filming locations: This project will only utilize a few local locations in my neighborhood. I will be using my house as the place where the hostage is kept. I will use a sidewalk in my neighborhood for the outside scenes. A car, my friends or mine, will be used as the kidnapping scene occurs. 

Participants: I will more than likely enlist the help of my friends as I did for the music video project. 

I think three actors is enough. One will be the hostage. Two will be the kidnappers. 

Covid safety: The majority of the locations being used to film will be private. This greatly reduces the risk of infection. Before any location change, proper sanitation will occur. Masks will be used at any time there is not direct filming taking place. 


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