Production Blog: Mis en Scene

 I have started collecting props. Today I picked up the rope that will be used in the captive scenes. I also grabbed some duct tape. Now my focus is to find a chair that I don't mind getting a bit dirty. I don't want to stick tape to a chair that's valuable in my home. I figure buying an inexpensive one will save me the trouble. I think I could probably find one at target. I also need a mask for the kidnapper. I want to put togeter a whole outfit that fits a villian role. All black is the color scheme. I am thinking gloves in addition to the mask. I want it to be clear the charecters role without any action. I uess this will be the impact of mis en scene. The girl being kidnapped will dress like a regular teenager. I want the story to be realistic, but still fitting the horror genre. Within the next week i expect to start filming. Its spring break so i will have a bit of time. Once i am through i can start editing. After thats its a home stretch. Final details will be addded. 


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