Production blog: Still no start

 At this point, reading this blog may begin to sound like a broken record. I still have not begun filming. It is still due to the same problem. I have no actors. I have been in touch with some of my friends to resolve this issue. I may have made some headway. I really think this film idea will be most convenient. This is why I have waited so long before filming even though it's the same issue. Scheduling will always be my biggest issue. I know it will only take me 1 to 2 hours to film. I still can't manage to get a morning or afternoon where everyone is available. Between work and other classes, everyone seems to be on a time crunch. I know that's the case for me. Hopefully, by next week, I will have something different to report. For now, all I can do to continue is pre-plan. Maybe I can add new prop ideas to my plan. Perhaps a different location. That is all I have the means for at this moment. Until I can get actors, I'm pretty much stuck. Next week I will make sure real progress is made. 


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