Planning blog: Script

 There will be about 7-10 scenes for my movie. They will go as follows. 

scene one: Scene one will start out with a girl in a chair. Hands tied and screaming for help. 

Scene two: Scene two will be a flashback to right before everything happened. The girl will be casually walking down the street. 

Scene three: The girl will notice a car behind her driving very slow, then start to sprint as the car speeds up and starts yelling. 

Scene four: The girl will be tossed into the car, crying and begging for help. She will offer money etc. in exchange for freedom. 

Scene five: The scene will open up at the warehouse, with the girl pleading for her escape. The kidnappers say no explaining the reason they took her. 

Scene six: The girl works tirelessly to free herself, finally escaping and running out of captivity. 

Scene seven: The kidnapper will run out after her screaming how she will get her back. 

Scene eight: The girl will run into her home and lock all the doors. She will also close all the blinds trying to make herself as secure as possible. She will appear to reflect on the day's actions. She finally realizes she is unsafe.

Scene nine: The girl will realize she needs to run. She will book a plane ticket. 

If this were a full-length movie, it would go further in-depth on the girl continuously running from her captors.


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