Planning blog: Titles

 For my movie, every title that needs to be included will be there. Every person excluding the actors will be me so for each title it will be something in relation to myself. Since this is a horror movie, the title design is important. My vision is bold words. Perhaps these words in a bright color. A color like red feels as if it would fit the scene nicely. I want the titles to stand out from the background. I think the words will be big. Really in your face, I want the words impossible to miss. Each title will fade into the scene. It will stay for about 3 seconds. It will then be wiped away as the outgoing transition. The director's name, as well as the actors, will be in a bigger font. It will look something like this but in all capital letters. The tracking of the letters, as well as the spacing, will work out as the letters in all caps will leave enough space to not let the words run together. The title of my film will be Abduction: The Chase. The movie title will take up the entire screen. This will be the largest font size of any of the titles. The title will fade onto the screen. It will then be wiped away.  These are just the basic ideas for my titles so far. 


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