Production blog: A solution

 I have finally found actors. That's almost shocking news. As I have previously stated, that was the main problem. I have been able to pull 2 actors to be used in my film. This was my bare minimum number. I plan to start filming immediately. The quicker I can get all my footage the better. I want to begin the editing process. I am having some second thoughts on my titles. I still do want to incorporate bold lettering. I liked my idea of red lettering but as I was thinking it over, I don't feel like it's enough. I say this because I don't want it to blend in. I'm afraid the color red won't stand out when the full film is in color and the background may be just as bold. Maybe an added effect would spice it up. Perhaps instead of a fade, the letters could slide onto the screen. That's the bold entrance I am looking for. I feel as if a blood dripping effect is too cliche. I want to use something different, but still just as fitting with the genre. The only way I will make my final decision is after I see the film footage. Until then I will continue with my options. 


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