
Showing posts from November, 2020

music video filming vlog

 I decided to film my music video over Thanksgiving break. I wanted to make sure I would have enough time for everything. As a result, I used this free week to my advantage. I started out by finally deciding on two actors. Up until this point, I had a general idea of who I wanted to use, but there was no confirmation. I had finalized the idea of using my cousin and her friend.  We started filming in the one location that wasn't home. The beach is where we began the process. I noticed I tend to do this, starting at the further locations to get them out of the way. I took a few takes of each scene, from a multitude of angles. I wanted to make sure my film was going to meet the criteria of the rubric. I then went on to the scenes involving houses. I filmed each shot out of order. I basically started backwards with the more dramatic scenes first. The necessary props were brought in and used accordingly. Shot angles were really important for me to mix up this time around. I realized in

Music Video Storyboard

 So at this point, I'm 100% sure of my song choice. I know I'm not the only one by Sam Smith is my final decision, no changing it now. As my storyboard shows, I'm not the best artist. In this blog, I will take the time to detail each of the 12 squares. Each of the scenes is only in 2 locations, so I can't foresee a problem with filming. I now have actors in place, but for now, they will be referred to as actor 1 and actor 2.  square 1: Actor one lies awake as actor 2 leaves early in the morning.  square 2: The scene cuts to actor one at the beach contemplating sadly, as she reflects on her relationship. square 3: Actor one stares out of the window solemnly in the kitchen as actor 2 comes up behind her with flowers.  square 4: Actor 1 notices a message on actor 2's phone confirming her suspicions. square 5: actor 1 lies awake another night, as actor 2 sleeps peacefully. square 6: The scene cuts back to actor one sitting on the beach reflecting, and then suddenly she

Music Video Planning Blog

 For my music video, I have a clear picture in my mind of how I want it to happen. I will use actors to portray the characters of the song. Since the song is about a relationship, I will need 2, but I don't know if I want it to be a normal heterosexual relationship. So for that reason, I may decide to use 2 girl actors. These 2 actors will be in normal clothes, nothing too crazy. Props will include flowers, a cellphone, and then the house along with other locations we will be shooting in. The whole idea of the video will be for actor one to catch actor 2 cheating, with the help of the cellphone. This will be a clear way to portray the message of the song. I plan to film this video in pieces. I can do all shots for one location on one day. I think I will start with the home shots, as those require less traveling. Then I will move on to different locations such as the beach. The beach is easy to use because it is so close. I want to complete the filming in 2 days. Maybe 3 days if I n

Music Video Research Blog

For my song, I have chosen a song by Sam Smith. I know I'm Not the Only One is the name of this song. This is a pop song, but a sad one. Usually, in sad videos, there is a story to be told in the video. In many, it takes you through the emotions and mood of the main character. The lighting of sadder videos is usually a little more dull toned. Almost as if everywhere is overcast. I plan to keep this convention. I think deeper lighting would help display the mood more. If my lighting displays sadder emotions, the message of the song will be easier to get across. I want the exact message of the lyrics to come across in the video. For this reason alone my video will follow the direct lyrics, enhancing the storytelling. A sound parallel video. Some music videos follow a mixed narrative, of fragmented and linear. This is when the artist is in the video and the video depicts the lyrics but also tells a story. I think my chosen song is the perfect song to do this with. In most music videos

Music Video Intro Blog

 For my music video project, I have chosen to work alone. I chose to work alone because I do not want to have to rely on anyone or their schedule. I feel this way due to my own experience with my own schedule. I work four days a week, and the days I have off are not consistent so I don't want to have anyone rely on me and my availability. I also chose to work alone so I can accomplish my vision alone. By working alone, I don't need to concede to anyone else's opinions. I don't have to change my ideas and I can do things my way. I chose to work alone because I know I will do the work. For this project, a million song ideas rushed to mind. I feel as if a sad dramatic song would be the easiest to portray.  This is my choice of genre because I feel like it could really tell a story. Now when it comes to the artists, a few popped into my head. The one I am going to go with is Sam Smith. The song i am thinking of is "I Know I'm Not the Only One." This song prese

Creative Critical Reflection Zephyrhills commercial

My product uses conventions. When it comes to advertisment, many tend to focus on convinience. My commercial does just that by showing how prepackaged water can be useful in a multitude of locations. The product does however contain one social issue that i failed to show or elaborate on. The use of plastic is something that is bad for the environment. While advertising convenience, i did not mention anything on how to combat these social issues. My product engages with the audience because it provides a sort of storyline. As the commercial plays, viewers are taken through a full day of tasks. Each task is a normal thing that most people have done at some point. It would be distrubuted as a real media text through an adverstismet commercial which encourages veiwers to buy the product. Throughout this project my production skills developed immensly. The concept of a storyboard was introduced to me and it helped me immensley. I learned that its better to have a plan and det schedule to ma

Zephyrhills commercial

My commercial came out alright in my opinion. It followed the general concept of the storyboard. I believe it accurately showed the convenience of prepackaged natural water. There were certain problems I ran into during the production of this commercial, however. Weather played a big role in a multitude of settings. Although it was something that pushed my schedule back, it ended up okay in the end. The only thing I think missing was the types of angles. I included pans and a tilt. Another thing that worked out in my favor was the lack of people around. Originally, I wanted some people in the background of my shots. This was because I wanted things to look more natural. After seeing the final product, I was glad the backgrounds were empty. This allowed the focus to be primarily on the product. I made sure to get the label in each shot in order to optimize focus as well. I feel as if the change of location presents viewers with a story. Interpretation, well to me at least, is the viewer

Zephyrhills commercial editing blog

 The editing process for my commercial was fairly simple. I used iMovie as it was convenient on my phone. I began the process by choosing which takes i wanted to use for the final product. This took a bit of time because for each shot there was at least 5 takes. After narrowing down the takes  i wished to use, i began to move on to the next step. I uploaded each video to imovie first. I then began to cut the shots together. I wanted to make the shots follow in the order of my story board, but in order to make the shots flow smoothly, i had to mix up the order a bit. After cutting together the takes i added the transitions. I chose a wipe style transition for between each shot. I chose this because i thought it looked smooth. It allowed for each shot to be seen for a bit longer than the other transitions allowed. I had to make sure the tilts and pans i encorporated were shown. It was then time to add the music. I chose a light upbeat song for the background of my commercial. I wanted th

Zephyrhills filming commercial blog

 Throughout the filming of my commercial, I ran into a multitude of problems that put me behind schedule. The weather was bad, which I had planned for, but I still wanted to keep the main concept of my commercial. In order to do this, I had to push the filming date back until the weather was more suitable. To begin the filming process, I took the shots I could do from home. The backyard shot, as well as the slow-motion scene showcasing the water, was done first. I shot each scene on my iPhone. The next step, was the beach scene as it was the furthest away so I wanted to get it done. The process was short, as I only did three takes, incorporating a selection of angles for me to chose from. The next scene I shot at was the park. I found a small park next to my house filled with natural light. I felt this was the perfect place to make my shot look like in incorporated nature. Once again, it was a short and simple process. I did about 5 takes here, so I would have options for my final cut.