Zephyrhills filming commercial blog

 Throughout the filming of my commercial, I ran into a multitude of problems that put me behind schedule. The weather was bad, which I had planned for, but I still wanted to keep the main concept of my commercial. In order to do this, I had to push the filming date back until the weather was more suitable. To begin the filming process, I took the shots I could do from home. The backyard shot, as well as the slow-motion scene showcasing the water, was done first. I shot each scene on my iPhone. The next step, was the beach scene as it was the furthest away so I wanted to get it done. The process was short, as I only did three takes, incorporating a selection of angles for me to chose from. The next scene I shot at was the park. I found a small park next to my house filled with natural light. I felt this was the perfect place to make my shot look like in incorporated nature. Once again, it was a short and simple process. I did about 5 takes here, so I would have options for my final cut. The last location was changed from the original concept and plan. Instead of using a gym, I had to use a gym parking lot. The gym was not currently accessible, so I had to improvise but still try to keep the main idea of rehydration and the convenience of prepackaged natural water. I think the idea was kept considering I had to use what I had available without deviating too far from the plan. All throughout, the process didn't take that long. I had one person to help as the actor of my commercial, making it easier for me as I didn't have to film and be in it at the same time. Each location consisted of more than one shot. The process was fun and I think having the concept of the storyboard to follow helped immensely. 


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