Zephyrhills commercial editing blog

 The editing process for my commercial was fairly simple. I used iMovie as it was convenient on my phone. I began the process by choosing which takes i wanted to use for the final product. This took a bit of time because for each shot there was at least 5 takes. After narrowing down the takes  i wished to use, i began to move on to the next step. I uploaded each video to imovie first. I then began to cut the shots together. I wanted to make the shots follow in the order of my story board, but in order to make the shots flow smoothly, i had to mix up the order a bit. After cutting together the takes i added the transitions. I chose a wipe style transition for between each shot. I chose this because i thought it looked smooth. It allowed for each shot to be seen for a bit longer than the other transitions allowed. I had to make sure the tilts and pans i encorporated were shown. It was then time to add the music. I chose a light upbeat song for the background of my commercial. I wanted this style to play throughout the entirety of the commercial. After adding the music, i still felt like something was missing. I ended up adding text over the final shot of the video. This text simply stated the name of the brand. I then realized that the final shot showcasing the water in the bottle up close, was the same as most of the shots deeming it unnescessary. I decided to upload a picture of the spring that Zephyrhills water came from. Over this photo i put the words "Florida's choice of spring water." I think this final photo really pulled the commercial together by showing the source. 


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