Creative Critical Reflection Zephyrhills commercial

My product uses conventions. When it comes to advertisment, many tend to focus on convinience. My commercial does just that by showing how prepackaged water can be useful in a multitude of locations. The product does however contain one social issue that i failed to show or elaborate on. The use of plastic is something that is bad for the environment. While advertising convenience, i did not mention anything on how to combat these social issues. My product engages with the audience because it provides a sort of storyline. As the commercial plays, viewers are taken through a full day of tasks. Each task is a normal thing that most people have done at some point. It would be distrubuted as a real media text through an adverstismet commercial which encourages veiwers to buy the product. Throughout this project my production skills developed immensly. The concept of a storyboard was introduced to me and it helped me immensley. I learned that its better to have a plan and det schedule to make a production flow smoother. The editing process also becomes more familliar each time i do it. Camera angles and filming also becomes more distinct, as the more i film, the more i use each element. I think the most apparent change made clear to me during this project specifically, was the preplanning. Iintegrated technologies into this project was easy. Actually, for lack of a better word, it was pretty much essential. A phone was used film each shot. AAn online software was used to edit. A website was used to document each step, including this reflection you are reading today. Each part of this project used an element of technology, as well as online software. 


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