Music Video Planning Blog

 For my music video, I have a clear picture in my mind of how I want it to happen. I will use actors to portray the characters of the song. Since the song is about a relationship, I will need 2, but I don't know if I want it to be a normal heterosexual relationship. So for that reason, I may decide to use 2 girl actors. These 2 actors will be in normal clothes, nothing too crazy. Props will include flowers, a cellphone, and then the house along with other locations we will be shooting in. The whole idea of the video will be for actor one to catch actor 2 cheating, with the help of the cellphone. This will be a clear way to portray the message of the song. I plan to film this video in pieces. I can do all shots for one location on one day. I think I will start with the home shots, as those require less traveling. Then I will move on to different locations such as the beach. The beach is easy to use because it is so close. I want to complete the filming in 2 days. Maybe 3 days if I need it. I want to have it done so I can move on to editing and complete that in a day as well. I don't think this process will take too long, especially if everything is planned out. The only problem I might run into is finding two girls to be my actors. Representation is something that I want in my video so I think having a homosexual relationship would be a nice change. It would not only make my video stand out but if it was being distributed as a real music video, it would be an element some could connect to. The plan is to have my filming done by the 25th, so then i can begin on the final touches. 


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