Music Video Intro Blog

 For my music video project, I have chosen to work alone. I chose to work alone because I do not want to have to rely on anyone or their schedule. I feel this way due to my own experience with my own schedule. I work four days a week, and the days I have off are not consistent so I don't want to have anyone rely on me and my availability. I also chose to work alone so I can accomplish my vision alone. By working alone, I don't need to concede to anyone else's opinions. I don't have to change my ideas and I can do things my way. I chose to work alone because I know I will do the work. For this project, a million song ideas rushed to mind. I feel as if a sad dramatic song would be the easiest to portray.  This is my choice of genre because I feel like it could really tell a story. Now when it comes to the artists, a few popped into my head. The one I am going to go with is Sam Smith. The song i am thinking of is "I Know I'm Not the Only One." This song presents a clear storyline. It is a song about cheating so I know I would need actors to portray the mood. I think this song is a good fit because it goes through emotions people feel on a daily. People cheat all the time. This fact alone would make it easy for many to connect with the song. My hardest task will be finding a way to represent people connecting to my video. 


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