music video filming vlog

 I decided to film my music video over Thanksgiving break. I wanted to make sure I would have enough time for everything. As a result, I used this free week to my advantage. I started out by finally deciding on two actors. Up until this point, I had a general idea of who I wanted to use, but there was no confirmation. I had finalized the idea of using my cousin and her friend.  We started filming in the one location that wasn't home. The beach is where we began the process. I noticed I tend to do this, starting at the further locations to get them out of the way. I took a few takes of each scene, from a multitude of angles. I wanted to make sure my film was going to meet the criteria of the rubric. I then went on to the scenes involving houses. I filmed each shot out of order. I basically started backwards with the more dramatic scenes first. The necessary props were brought in and used accordingly. Shot angles were really important for me to mix up this time around. I realized in my previous projects, the angles weren't really a defining change. I want this project to show my advancement. I wanted my understanding of shots and angles to be on display further within this video.  I think that is exactly what I accomplished in this film. 


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