Zephyrhills commercial

My commercial came out alright in my opinion. It followed the general concept of the storyboard. I believe it accurately showed the convenience of prepackaged natural water. There were certain problems I ran into during the production of this commercial, however. Weather played a big role in a multitude of settings. Although it was something that pushed my schedule back, it ended up okay in the end. The only thing I think missing was the types of angles. I included pans and a tilt. Another thing that worked out in my favor was the lack of people around. Originally, I wanted some people in the background of my shots. This was because I wanted things to look more natural. After seeing the final product, I was glad the backgrounds were empty. This allowed the focus to be primarily on the product. I made sure to get the label in each shot in order to optimize focus as well. I feel as if the change of location presents viewers with a story. Interpretation, well to me at least, is the viewer is being taken on a journey. This journey is a day of activities, in which the water comes in handy. It could be interpreted in other ways that would suggest no storyline, but that was my idea anyway. I think I really understand the concept of putting together a production a bit more. Before starting this, I had no knowledge of how much planning truly goes into commercials. I see now that planning out parts piece by piece really helps glue things together.


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