Music Video Research Blog

For my song, I have chosen a song by Sam Smith. I know I'm Not the Only One is the name of this song. This is a pop song, but a sad one. Usually, in sad videos, there is a story to be told in the video. In many, it takes you through the emotions and mood of the main character. The lighting of sadder videos is usually a little more dull toned. Almost as if everywhere is overcast. I plan to keep this convention. I think deeper lighting would help display the mood more. If my lighting displays sadder emotions, the message of the song will be easier to get across. I want the exact message of the lyrics to come across in the video. For this reason alone my video will follow the direct lyrics, enhancing the storytelling. A sound parallel video. Some music videos follow a mixed narrative, of fragmented and linear. This is when the artist is in the video and the video depicts the lyrics but also tells a story. I think my chosen song is the perfect song to do this with. In most music videos, there is a use of props. I will bring this convention into my music video as well. Props will make my story come together. All of these conventions are used because they work, so I plan to use them to make my video work as well. 


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