
Showing posts from February, 2021

Title research: The Number 23

 The fourth film I chose to research is The Number 23. It was released in 2007. I found this film on This is the last title sequence I will research for now.  What titles are displayed during the opening sequences? Titles displayed were that of the production company. The director was also shown. The actor's names were displayed. The visual and special effects team were also credited.  What images are prioritized in the opening sequence? Images prioritized were the repetition of the number 23 over and over.  What connotations do these images carry? These images promote a sense of intrigue. What relation does 23 have to the story? How does the film establish a feeling of the genre from the outset? The film establishes a feel of the genre by introducing the feeling of anxiety and linking it to the number 23.  What strategies are used to ensure the film appeals to its target audience? Strategies used include the ability to pull emotion from the sequence alone. Anxi

Title research: Two eyes staring

 Two Eyes Staring is the 3rd film I've chosen to research. It was released in 2010. It is a horror film. I am watching the title sequence on What titles are displayed during the opening sequences? The titles displayed are the actors. The production company was also displayed. Casting directors, as well as visual effects, were displayed also.  What images are prioritized in the opening sequence? Images prioritized is that of everyday life opening into shapes that are used in psychological evaluations.  What connotations do these images carry? The biggest connotation these images carry is the value of perception. As the everyday activities open into these shapes, you begin to wonder if there are any secret meanings.  How does the film establish a feeling of the genre from the outset? The title sequence links the emotion of fear to the main idea of the film, which is basically a family home turned worst nightmare with ghosts etc.  What strategies are used to ensure

Title research: Splice

 The 2nd movie I chose to research is called splice. It was released in 2009. The title sequence is a bit unique. I watched it on  What titles are displayed during the opening sequences? Titles displayed were the production company and the actors. The casting directors were also shown. The other titles were people essential to the film like special effects and makeup.  What images are prioritized in the opening sequence? Images prioritized were up-close shots of reptile skin and what looks like microscope images.  What connotations do these images carry? These images allude to a science feel which goes hand and hand with the storyline of creatures being created.  How does the film establish a feeling of the genre from the outset? It establishes a feel for the genre by introducing the idea of some type of creature being made. This brings a feeling of suspense which is vital to a horror film.  What strategies are used to ensure the film appeals to its target audience?

Title research: The Reaping

I chose to research the horror movie The Reaping. I got the title sequence from  What titles are displayed in the opening sequences? The titles displayed in the opening sequence were the major people who put the story together as well as the actors. The key players of the film including editors as well as costume designers etc.  What titles are prioritized in the opening sequences? Titles prioritized were the director as well as screenwriters. This can be seen as they were the first to be shown. The producers are also prioritized.  What connotations do these images carry? The images in the title sequence are all extreme, close-ups of insects and frogs and things that bring a scientific feel to the film. This goes with the film as the actors take a scientific approach to the fear of the unknown. How does the film establish a feeling of the genre from the outset? The music plays a big role in establishing the genre. You can tell a tension is building, really getting i

Title research: Watch the Titles

 This was another website I researched to collect data. This website was definitely more useful. Under the column title sequences, there was a multitude of examples. The website even broke the clips down into subcategories. Feature films were the ones I chose to look under. This was extremely useful because when I add my own title sequence, I want it to look just as professional. I think I prefer this website over the other. There were even interviews with people who create the designs. This was useful as the process was explained. With the guidelines provided, I believe my title sequence will be amazing. 

Title research: Art of the title

 I am looking at this site to collect data. The goal is to find out previously unknown information about titles. I need this research as it is the majority of my final task. In my final task, I will need to add my own titles to my film. This website was recommended as a good place to collect basic information. It is filled with examples. Title design is something that was previously unknown to me. I had no idea just how much effort actually goes into it. This website has provided me with the information needed to create a foundation. I now have a bit more of an idea of what I need to do. 

Genre Research: It

 The third horror film I have chosen to research is It. This film was released in 2017. It centers around a group of children being antagonized by an underground clown. This movie follows many of the standard conventions of the genre. This is why I thought it would be one of the best options to research. What elements of the genre that you chose to base your final task on does this movie have? This movie has almost all the elements of a standard horror film. There was a villain with a backstory. There was theme music. There was violence as well as disposable characters.  What elements of the genre did the movie have that you like? The element I most liked was the theme music. It made the film all the more memorable. Another element I loved was the costumes. They were pretty scary and represented a great display of mis en scene.  What elements of the genre did the movie have that did not appeal to you? I didn't really enjoy the violence. That is common in most horror films, but pers

Genre research: Birdbox

 The second movie I have chosen to research is Birdbox. This movie came out in 2018. It centers around a woman and two children completing a trip blindfolded. They are running from an evil that is wiping out the population. This movie is an amazing example of the horror genre.  What elements of the genre that you chose to base your final task on does this movie have? This movie has many common elements. Low key lighting plays a big role in determining the mood. There is violence which is almost a staple in any horror film. There is a multitude of appropriate props as well as costumes falling under the movie's mis en scene.  What elements of the genre did the movie have that you like?  This movie had an anxious atmosphere. This was an element I really enjoyed. You never knew what was going to happen next. I loved that the film left me on the edge of my seat.  What elements of the genre did the movie have that did not appeal to you? There were not many elements of the film which I di

Genre Research: Blair Witch

 I chose to research a few movies in my genre of choice. The first was Blair Witch . I picked this as it is a fairly recent horror film. Blair witch came out in 2016. It centered around teenagers in the woods running from the blair witch.  What elements of the genre that you chose to base your final task on does this movie have? This movie has almost all the elements of a horror film. There was anantagonist which was the blair witch. There were disposable charecters as some got killed off. There was definente violence which is another common element.  What elements of the genre did the movie have that you like?  The elements which i liked of this movie were pretty common to the genre. The camera movement for example. A majority of the movie was shown in a handheld video camera type of shot. I thought while common, this was refreshing.  What elements of the genre did the movie have that did not appeal to you? There was no real backstory of thr villian. In this case the villian would be

Genre research: Horror

 I have made my final decision. I choose Horror. I chose this because my pitch is a scary situation. I believe horror would be the most fitting genre. The elements of a horror film most match my vision. I want my film to evoke fear. Fear is a memorable emotion. The feeling of suspense will be useful.  my  audience will not be bored. These were all thoughts that went into my decision. My movie will follow the common elements of the horror genre. Lighting will play a big role. The feeling of suspense is something that will be played into. I like that this genre will allow me to be creative. I think my pitch will mesh with this genre naturally. I am excited to get to work. I will research more on this genre. I am nowhere near ready to start filming. I want to see examples of how I will film this. Incorporating key themes of the genre is important. 

Genre research: Comedy

 This is another genre I am considering. Unlike horror, this is the complete opposite. It would definitely take my film down a unique path. Laughing about a tragedy would boost my film in many ways. It would definitely be more memorable. In my research, I discovered common elements. I found out about costumes and props. This is called mis en scene. I researched things such as lighting. Common camera movements are something I discovered as well. Along with camera movements, I discovered the common camera angles. Once again this would provoke emotion. I enjoy the idea of my film keeping someone entertained. Entertaining them with a feeling of amusement is something a comedy film would do. I do have my reservations about this genre, however. While I do feel as if it would make my film unique, if the genre doesn't mesh well with my pitch, it will not be good. The last thing I want to do is leave the audience confused. This is why I might pick one of the other options. I still must weig

Genre Research: Horror

 I researched this genre because I thought it might be a good fit for my pitch. While researching the horror genre,   I noticed several elements that would be beneficial. The feeling of suspense was the biggest one. Throughout this research, I put a small presentation together. This presentation discusses all of the elements of a horror film. Maybe not all but the most important ones yes. I'm not sure if I will use this genre yet. I still have research to do on a few more genres. I do feel as if a movie about kidnapping will fit within this genre. Things such as camera movements and lighting are discussed in the presentation below. I also included information on common mis en scene. Horror movies have many unique features. These features evoke emotion from an audience. This is what I want my film to do. Hopefully, people will be able to feel my story. This is why it is so important to pick the correct genre. I still have research to do on other genres that may be a good fit. I feel

My pitch

  The two pitch ideas i came up with are as follows. A girl being kidnapped and taken across the state by adults. A romantic  film about two lovers torn apart by distance. I believe i want to go with the kidnapping idea. I want to do this because i feel as if the story will be easier to get across. I’m the allowed time frame, i believe i can get the most detail out of that pitch idea. I will use resources around me to get the best product. The opening credits will be the introduction to the storyline. Audience will be able to get a clear notion as to what the film is about. I will have up to 4 actors. More than likely the actors that helped me with my last film. I know i will be able to produce adequate work. My main concern is if i will get the entire story line into the opening credits. The kidnap idea will allow me to showcase my skill i have acquired. The knowledge of new angles will be shown. Film and media terms will be used and shown as an understanding of them will be apparent

Starting the final task

  As i may have stated in earlier blogs, my name is madison riggs. I am a 17 year old junior from Fort Lauderdale, Florida. I attend Fort Lauderdale High and have chosen to take aice media studies for the 2020-21 school year. We are three quarters into the year now, and today is the start of the final task! For this project i have chosen to work alone. I chose to work alone because it will be easier to focus. I also chose to work alone because i have a job. This prevents me from being able to work around someone else’s schedule. I prefer working alone because i can go at my own pace. I cant wait to get my work done around someone else’s availability. As far as i know the final task revolves around making the beginning of a film. I have some ideas but i haven’t made a decision as of yet. I have a bit of experience putting films together due to projects this year. The project putting together a commercial for example. I also filmed a music video. These two projects introduced me into the