Genre Research: Horror

 I researched this genre because I thought it might be a good fit for my pitch. While researching the horror genre,  I noticed several elements that would be beneficial. The feeling of suspense was the biggest one. Throughout this research, I put a small presentation together. This presentation discusses all of the elements of a horror film. Maybe not all but the most important ones yes. I'm not sure if I will use this genre yet. I still have research to do on a few more genres. I do feel as if a movie about kidnapping will fit within this genre. Things such as camera movements and lighting are discussed in the presentation below. I also included information on common mis en scene. Horror movies have many unique features. These features evoke emotion from an audience. This is what I want my film to do. Hopefully, people will be able to feel my story. This is why it is so important to pick the correct genre. I still have research to do on other genres that may be a good fit. I feel as if a kidnapping is scary, which is the exact emotion horror provokes. I have a great feeling about this genre. It may end up being my final decision. 


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