Genre Research: Blair Witch

 I chose to research a few movies in my genre of choice. The first was Blair Witch . I picked this as it is a fairly recent horror film. Blair witch came out in 2016. It centered around teenagers in the woods running from the blair witch. 

  • What elements of the genre that you chose to base your final task on does this movie have? This movie has almost all the elements of a horror film. There was anantagonist which was the blair witch. There were disposable charecters as some got killed off. There was definente violence which is another common element. 
  • What elements of the genre did the movie have that you like? 
The elements which i liked of this movie were pretty common to the genre. The camera movement for example. A majority of the movie was shown in a handheld video camera type of shot. I thought while common, this was refreshing. 
  • What elements of the genre did the movie have that did not appeal to you?
There was no real backstory of thr villian. In this case the villian would be the Blair Witch. While it is common, i didnt really like the violence. It fills me with a bit of uneasiness. 


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