Title research: Splice

 The 2nd movie I chose to research is called splice. It was released in 2009. The title sequence is a bit unique. I watched it on watchthetitles.com. 

What titles are displayed during the opening sequences?

Titles displayed were the production company and the actors. The casting directors were also shown. The other titles were people essential to the film like special effects and makeup. 

What images are prioritized in the opening sequence?
Images prioritized were up-close shots of reptile skin and what looks like microscope images. 

What connotations do these images carry?
These images allude to a science feel which goes hand and hand with the storyline of creatures being created. 

How does the film establish a feeling of the genre from the outset?
It establishes a feel for the genre by introducing the idea of some type of creature being made. This brings a feeling of suspense which is vital to a horror film. 

What strategies are used to ensure the film appeals to its target audience?
Strategies used include the linking of the emotion of fear to the opening sequence with creatures and microscopic images of DNA around. 
How has technology been used effectively? You want to consider camera angles, transitions, and editing techniques.
The jump shot and pans in editing and camera movement show the effective use of technology. 


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