My pitch

 The two pitch ideas i came up with are as follows. A girl being kidnapped and taken across the state by adults. A romantic film about two lovers torn apart by distance. I believe i want to go with the kidnapping idea. I want to do this because i feel as if the story will be easier to get across. I’m the allowed time frame, i believe i can get the most detail out of that pitch idea. I will use resources around me to get the best product. The opening credits will be the introduction to the storyline. Audience will be able to get a clear notion as to what the film is about. I will have up to 4 actors. More than likely the actors that helped me with my last film. I know i will be able to produce adequate work. My main concern is if i will get the entire story line into the opening credits. The kidnap idea will allow me to showcase my skill i have acquired. The knowledge of new angles will be shown. Film and media terms will be used and shown as an understanding of them will be apparent in my film. If my pitch falls through, i suppose i will have to use the romance idea. While i believe i could pull this off, i think it will be harder to understand. Once again a maximum of 4-5 actors. I think the kidnapping pitch will be best.


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