Genre research: Comedy

 This is another genre I am considering. Unlike horror, this is the complete opposite. It would definitely take my film down a unique path. Laughing about a tragedy would boost my film in many ways. It would definitely be more memorable. In my research, I discovered common elements. I found out about costumes and props. This is called mis en scene. I researched things such as lighting. Common camera movements are something I discovered as well. Along with camera movements, I discovered the common camera angles. Once again this would provoke emotion. I enjoy the idea of my film keeping someone entertained. Entertaining them with a feeling of amusement is something a comedy film would do. I do have my reservations about this genre, however. While I do feel as if it would make my film unique, if the genre doesn't mesh well with my pitch, it will not be good. The last thing I want to do is leave the audience confused. This is why I might pick one of the other options. I still must weigh the pros and cons. I will make my decision in the next blog. 


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