Starting the final task

 As i may have stated in earlier blogs, my name is madison riggs. I am a 17 year old junior from Fort Lauderdale, Florida. I attend Fort Lauderdale High and have chosen to take aice media studies for the 2020-21 school year. We are three quarters into the year now, and today is the start of the final task! For this project i have chosen to work alone. I chose to work alone because it will be easier to focus. I also chose to work alone because i have a job. This prevents me from being able to work around someone else’s schedule. I prefer working alone because i can go at my own pace. I cant wait to get my work done around someone else’s availability. As far as i know the final task revolves around making the beginning of a film. I have some ideas but i haven’t made a decision as of yet. I have a bit of experience putting films together due to projects this year. The project putting together a commercial for example. I also filmed a music video. These two projects introduced me into the elements of filming a video properly.

I believe working alone will produce the best outcome. My film will have all required elements. I feel as if i am prepared well for the final task. Hopefully my project receives a great grade!


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