
Showing posts from December, 2020

Music video CCR

  How does your product  use or challenge conventions AND  how does it  represent  social groups or issues?       My project uses  many conventions of a standard music video.  There is a multitude of long shots as well as a f ew close-ups. The  close up  in particular happens to be my favorite shot as  I feel it  conveyed the overall mood I was trying to portray in the video.  Camera movement also follows conventions as there is the inclusion of pans.  Transitions between shots follow conventions, as well as most cuts, end with a fade into the next, something  quite  common in music videos. Ther e were props used in this video, something that can  be seen  used often in common mis-en-scene. My video  represents  social groups by  using two female love  interests .  This shows representation to a wide range of the LGBTQ community.  This is what I wanted to do as these groups  aren't  represented across the media as much as they should be. By using two girls as the love interest,  I

Music video final blog

    This is when everyone finally gets to see my project! I am so happy with the result. As I have said many times it’s been a journey but the video is done. I’m very grateful to my actors for helping me make this happen. The filming, editing, and posting of this video is finally done. my video is exactly a minute. This was the requirement and I had to cut a lot of scenes to make sure that I got to a minute. There’s also a lot more angles and I’ve used in previous projects. I think this will really set the tone for future projects. This was definitely the most fun project. I think that it really shows representation. Not only for women but for LGBTQ. this was a reason that I wanted to use two female actors. I don’t regret this choice at all and I actually think that it made the video better.  A lthough it might not look like the most professional video, I still think it tells a story. It follows the storyboard exactly. The song choice was the best option in my opinion. It really allowe

Music video completion blog

 S o my music video is finished. It’s been a bit of a process. I did run into a few problems. all in all, it was nothing that couldn’t be fixed. I’m happy with my decision to use two girls as actors. I think that it makes a difference. when I think of others who probably used two girls as a love interest I don’t think it would be many. I like that they were able to get into the role. There was a bit of laughing but that’s to be expected. It was really the editing process it took me more than any other. The days it took me to do that will work that though because it came out nice. there was a multitude of angles in this project. This is something that wasn’t as seen in my previous projects. I think that it shows growth. This project really was a turning point for me. Yes, it took longer, but it came out better. This is something that I can be proud of. My actors were great, the editing process is great, the end result was great. I have learned that taking extra time can really impact th

Music video editing blog part 2

  So, today a lot of progress was made. I finally finished the editing process. I did run into a problem as I said before with the audio. I ended up having to voice over the song. I figured this out as I tried to put in the song through the editing  app.  Once I figured out it wasn’t going to let me, I chose the voiceover option and just played the song on another device. This was not what I expected to have to do. It ended up working out  though,  so no harm done. All in all, that was the main issue that I had. As I said in my last blog, this is the only project that is taking me more than one day to edit. I’m happy that I took my time with this. I can confidently say that this is my favorite project to date. I think that while it was a fun process, it ended up being more of a funny video than a sad one. I think this occurred because the actors that I had couldn’t take it as seriously as I would’ve liked. This is okay because at the end of the day it’s just a school project for fun. A

Music video editing blog

  The editing process is a bit harder than expected. I couldn’t figure out how to put the music over that easily. It took me a very long time. This is the most challenging editing process that I’ve had to face this far. It took me a good day and a half just to fully figure out how to put the song over the shots. I still am not fully confident that it was actually placed over. I plan to review my project tomorrow. Tomorrow diagnosis will determine how much more i need to edit. I am using iMovie. This is the same  program I’ve used for all other projects. It’s seemed to work this far. The shots seem to blend together easy enough. I am a bit stressed on how the final results will turn out. Audio concerns are an issue. Another issue is timing. 1 minute was the limit given to us. I don’t think it will be an issue once i finish editing. I can’t be sure until i’m done. I may have to cut things out. If it’s too short i may have to improvise and add scenes.