Music video editing blog part 2

 So, today a lot of progress was made. I finally finished the editing process. I did run into a problem as I said before with the audio. I ended up having to voice over the song. I figured this out as I tried to put in the song through the editing app. Once I figured out it wasn’t going to let me, I chose the voiceover option and just played the song on another device. This was not what I expected to have to do. It ended up working out though, so no harm done. All in all, that was the main issue that I had. As I said in my last blog, this is the only project that is taking me more than one day to edit. I’m happy that I took my time with this. I can confidently say that this is my favorite project to date. I think that while it was a fun process, it ended up being more of a funny video than a sad one. I think this occurred because the actors that I had couldn’t take it as seriously as I would’ve liked. This is okay because at the end of the day it’s just a school project for fun. Along with learning things about media, I had a lot of fun doing this project with my friends. I think my knowledge has grown immensely with this project. I enjoyed this new process while reviewing my mistakes from past projects. I used what I learned from the previous projects in this one. Honestly, I think the video turned out well. 



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