Music video final blog


This is when everyone finally gets to see my project! I am so happy with the result. As I have said many times it’s been a journey but the video is done. I’m very grateful to my actors for helping me make this happen. The filming, editing, and posting of this video is finally done. my video is exactly a minute. This was the requirement and I had to cut a lot of scenes to make sure that I got to a minute. There’s also a lot more angles and I’ve used in previous projects. I think this will really set the tone for future projects. This was definitely the most fun project. I think that it really shows representation. Not only for women but for LGBTQ. this was a reason that I wanted to use two female actors. I don’t regret this choice at all and I actually think that it made the video better. Although it might not look like the most professional video, I still think it tells a story. It follows the storyboard exactly. The song choice was the best option in my opinion. It really allowed me to tell a story without complication. As I’ve said in a previous blog, the video may look more funny than sad. I think it’s okay because the story still gets told. 



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