Music video editing blog

 The editing process is a bit harder than expected. I couldn’t figure out how to put the music over that easily. It took me a very long time. This is the most challenging editing process that I’ve had to face this far. It took me a good day and a half just to fully figure out how to put the song over the shots. I still am not fully confident that it was actually placed over. I plan to review my project tomorrow. Tomorrow diagnosis will determine how much more i need to edit. I am using iMovie. This is the same program I’ve used for all other projects. It’s seemed to work this far. The shots seem to blend together easy enough. I am a bit stressed on how the final results will turn out. Audio concerns are an issue. Another issue is timing. 1 minute was the limit given to us. I don’t think it will be an issue once i finish editing. I can’t be sure until i’m done. I may have to cut things out. If it’s too short i may have to improvise and add scenes.     



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