Planning Blog: Zephyrhills Water

My plan for this commercial is to showcase the convenience of prepackaged water. I want to incorporate a calm scene with natural lighting as well. The commercial will open with someone holding a bottle of Zephyrhills water in their hand. This person will be in an outside setting like a park. The bottle will be tossed up, and as it comes back down the scene will change. Now a person will be holding the bottle at the beach. The commercial will run through a multitude of setting to showcase the ease of prepackaged bottled water. the commercial will close out with a slow-motion shot of the water being poured into a cup outside with a nice background to tap into the natural nature aspect of clean spring water. 

Props: props will include a bottle of Zephyrhills water.

Schedule: The filming will all take place on one day, the first scene will be shot outside in a park. The next scene will be shot at the beach. The next will be shot inside the gym, and the next will be in a back yard with a lot of natural light. All filming will take place on the 28th. 

Costume: Costume will not really be incorporated into my commercial, as the most you will see of an actor will be a hand. 

Set and location: as previously mentioned, there will be multiple scenes in different locations including a park, beach, gym, back yard, etc. 

Backup plan: the backup plan if the weather does not allow the outside locations to be used, will still center around the convenience of prepackaged natural water. The gym will be the main location and I will center an advertisement around activeness and the need for rehydration and the benefit of Zephyrhills spring water. 

As the commercial closes out, a close-up shot of the water being poured over ice outside will provide the feeling of calmness I wish to incorporate. The inclusion of outside natural lighting will be a nice contrast to the cool feeling of water, as the outside sun is hot and the brightness will give this effect. If more settings are incorporated, they will likely be outside as well. 


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