Research Blog

My commercial will be on Zephyrhills water. Usually, when seeing water commercials you see some sort of nature seen. This is usually typical with the promotion of spring water. The vibe of most water commercials is calm. I plan to bring a similar vibe to my advertisement for this water. Common conventions of this brand's commercials include picturesque scenes of the Florida springs this water comes from. I will more than likely be going against this convention seeing as I cant travel. Other common forms of advertisement include ways of showcasing the convenience and essentialness of bottled water. Common ads show people doingevery day active tasks and the relief of drinking a cold bottle of water after. Water is essential to athletes, outside workers, and just survival in general. There can be something so serene about the idea of water. Commercials do not only make it look appealing, but show the benifiet of water that comes prepackaged. At a soccer game, you cant just run to the nearest stream for a sip of water, so what do you do? You grab a bottle of cold Zephrhylls water and rehydrate. The sun can be so brutal in a state like Florida, which can shown through outside scenes in water advertisment. Rehydration is essential, and travel size, portable water from a relaxing natural spring does just the job. People being shown enjoying the water is also a common thing in water advertisment. Why is this water the best? What makes it stand out? These are all common things shown in these types of advertisments, a convention I plan to follow.



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