Commercial Storyboard: Zephyrhills

 First scene: The first scene will open with a shot at the beach. It will be a peaceful calm picture and then, a Zephyrhills water bottle will fall from the air. The water bottle will be caught by a hand. Music will play through the entirety of this scene. 

Second scene: The second scene will follow the same concept as the first. The product will be caught by a single hand in the air. The setting will now be a park surrounded by trees in nature. The same song will be playing throughout the entirety of this scene as well. 

Third scene: The third scene will jump to the water being caught again, but now at the gym. This will not only follow the same concept as the first 2 scenes, but it will add to the showcasing of the water's compact benefits. Once again, the same song will be playing throughout. 

Fourth scene: Jump cut to the same concept as the other scenes, but now the product is being caught in a back yard. This will be the last scene following the single hand catching the water bottle out of the air. The same song will be playing. There will then be a transition into the next scene.

Fith scene: The fifth scene will begin with a slow-motion view of the water being poured into a cup from the water bottle. This scene will obtain as much natural lighting as possible. The same song will be playing still. This will be a sort of calming scene as viewers will be able to see the look of the water and its appeal. 

Sixth scene: The sixth scene will be the final scene. The camera will tilt from a picture of the sky, down to the water. The label will be in full view showcasing as many details as possible. This will be the final scene and the music will close out as this scene does. 


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