
Showing posts from September, 2020

Intro Blog !!

 Hello! My name is Madison Riggs. I am an 11th-grade student and I currently attend Fort Lauderdale Highschool. I am 16, turning 17 in November, and that's something I'm quite looking forward to. I participate in the Marching Band as well as Symphonic Winds. I have played the flute since the third grade. I also play piccolo and a bit of piano, and I enjoy using my time making music. I would consider band my number one hobby but along with that, I have 2 dogs I love spending time with. After a long day of school and homework, coming home to two cute dogs excited to see you is a warm feeling. Speaking of home, I live with my mom along with those two cute dogs. I am my mom's only child, so it's just us. Being an only child can get a little boring, so I try to spend as much time with family as I can when I'm not busy at work or school. I currently work at Black Rock Fort Lauderdale, where I am a host. Between keeping up my grades, band, and work, I find myself with no f